What Would You Pay for This Meal?
The New York Times: How often have you bought something you felt wasn’t worth the money? What if you could set the price? What factors would influence your number? For years, behavioral scientists have studied
This new rule could reveal the huge gap between CEO pay and worker pay
The Washington Post: Thousands of public U.S. companies are likely to soon be forced to share a number many would rather keep under wraps: how much more their chief executives make than their typical rank-and-file
What Poverty Problem? Everyone I Know Has Money!
Pacific Standard: There are good reasons why wealthy people are often reluctant to support policies, and political parties, that aim to distribute wealth more widely. For one thing, it isn’t in their short-term self-interest (as
Do You Know What Your Time Is Really Worth?
The Wall Street Journal: What is your time really worth? It is a day-to-day trade-off. We are constantly confronted with opportunities to save time by paying more money, and vice versa. Should you send out
Are Poor Kids More Altruistic?
New York Magazine: Altruistic behavior toward strangers, a growing body of research has found, brings with it emotional and health benefits. This can help explain what has traditionally been seen as the “mysterious” aspect of
Thinking of Time as Money Stifles ‘Green’ Behaviors
A study demonstrates that the way we’re paid—not just how much—can exert a disturbing influence on our willingness to recycle.