New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on brain and learning, handedness in primates, cognitive modeling and large-scale digital data, language, blame, credibility in psychological science, musical synchrony, innovations in clinical science and assessment.
Science in Service: Applying Psychological Science in the U.S. Air Force
William Aue applies psychological science to his research at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Write-Patterson Air Force Base.
Methods: Helping Nonscientists Differentiate Preprints From Peer-Reviewed Research
Adding a brief message to preprints disclosing that these articles have not been peer-reviewed can alert readers who are unfamiliar with scientific publishing to the differences between scientific findings that have and have not been checked for quality.
Methods: Measuring Change With Power in Intensive Longitudinal Research
This tutorial walks through the process of selecting sample sizes in intensive longitudinal research.
Build Up Big-Team Science
Are some of science’s biggest questions simply unanswerable without redefining how research is done? This is the question that motivated the researchers who would later establish the ManyBabies Consortium: a grass-roots network of some 450
Presenting Science: Best Practices for Making Data “Pop”
When creating data visualizations, these guiding principles can promote accuracy and engagement.