A Yale Psychologist Calls for the End of Individual Psychotherapy
TIME: Is individual therapy overrated and outdated? Yes, says Alan Kazdin, a professor of psychology and child psychiatry at Yale University, writing in the leading journal Perspectives on Psychological Science. Kazdin contends that treatments for Visit Page
Rebooting Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy has come a long way since the days of Freudian psychoanalysis – today, rigorous scientific studies are providing evidence for the kinds of psychotherapies that effectively treat various psychiatric disorders. But Alan Kazdin, the Visit Page
9/11: What else it taught us
Boston Globe: Sept. 11 transformed the world of American ideas in many ways—fueling sharp debates about America’s role in world affairs, about the clash of religions, about freedom and security. Money flowed into counter-terrorism research. Visit Page
9/11 Psychology: Just How Resilient Were We?
TIME: 9/11 was devastating in terms of lives lost — nearly 3,000 people were killed in the attacks — but it was not physically destructive (with the obvious exception of Ground Zero) on the same Visit Page
Breast-feeding makes new mothers mama bears
msnbc: Everyone knows not to get between a bear and her cubs, but if mama bears used bottles maybe they’d be a little more mellow. A study published in the September issue of Psychological Science Visit Page
Don’t Mess With Breastfeeding Women
Miller-McCune: Earlier this year, we reported that breast-feeding women are widely viewed as less competent. Newly published research suggests it would be unwise to share that unflattering opinion with them. According to a team led by UCLA Visit Page