Twitter Q&A on Rebooting Psychotherapy
In the January 2011 issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science, Yale University psychological scientists Alan Kazdin and Stacey Blase have called for drastic changes to the approach for treating mental illness in the United States. Visit Page
Want to stay well? Try meditation: Study claims it boosts our minds and immune systems
The Daily Mail: Meditation can boost our immune system and improve our mental health according to scientists. Researchers from Harvard University and Justuc Liebig Univeristy discovered that the ancient religious tradition has various health benefits Visit Page
Don’t Worry, Be Happy – Understanding Mindfulness Meditation
In times of stress, we’re often encouraged to pause for a moment and simply be in the ‘now.’ This kind of mindfulness, an essential part of Buddhist and Indian Yoga traditions, has entered the mainstream Visit Page
Tel maître, tel chien
Le Matin: Une étude scientifique menée il y a quelques années dans la revue américaine Psychological Science prétendait démontrer que l’homme a tendance à choisir un compagnon canin qui lui ressemble. Les chercheurs concluaient que Visit Page
The Importance Of Mind-Wandering
Wired: It’s easy to underestimate boredom. The mental condition, after all, is defined by its lack of stimulation; it’s the mind at its most apathetic. This is why the poet Joseph Brodsky described boredom as Visit Page
A World Series to Remember?
It’s a moment burned into the minds of Red Sox and Yankee fans alike – sitting inches away from the television, fists clenched, tightness in the chest and the unbearable urge to look away… It Visit Page