A High-Profile Executive Job as Defense Against Mental Ills
The New York Times: The feeling of danger was so close and overwhelming that there was no time to find its source, no choice but to get out of the apartment, fast. Keris Myrick headed
Having a bad day? Try washing your hands
WTOP: WASHINGTON — Washing your hands, taking a shower or even imagining cleaning up can clear away a sense of immorality, feeling unlucky or having doubts. Researchers at the University of Michigan reached this conclusion
Concussion testing for student athletes is common, but some question its worth
The Washington Post: If you have a child playing ice hockey, lacrosse, soccer or football this fall, chances are good he or she has taken a computerized examination called ImPACT, for Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and
Spülung für die Seele
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wer sich wäscht, fühlt sich auch frei von Schuld Wenn sich Menschen waschen, reinigt das auch ihre Seele. Mit dem Wasser verschwinden die schlechten Gefühle ebenfalls im Abfluss, berichten die Psychologen Spike Lee
Child mental disorders: New diagnosis or another dilemma?
Los Angeles Times: The final straw for Carolyn Alves came last fall when she tried to help her daughter Cecelia dress for kindergarten. The volatile 6-year-old had worked herself into a frenzy as she tried
Why you really can wash the man out of your hair
Daily Mail: The song was spot on – it is possible to wash that man right out of your hair. A study shows washing has powerful psychological effects, ‘cleansing’ us of negative feelings. In the