Reflections on Rumination: In Memory of Susan Nolen-Hoeksema
Yale psychology department chair Susan Nolen-Hoeksema passed away tragically on January 2, 2013. Through her books, public appearances, and pioneering research, Nolen-Hoeksema worked to improve mental health care and educate the public about gender differences
Stress Hormone Foreshadows Postpartum Depression in New Mothers
Women who receive strong social support from their families during pregnancy appear to be protected from sharp increases in a particular stress hormone, making them less likely to develop postpartum depression, according to a new
Yale Survey for Professionals and Practitioners Treating Psychiatric Disorders
Are you a professional or practitioner treating or researching mental disorders? If so, you are invited to participate in a survey by researchers at Yale University, who are trying to learn more about the opinions
Closing the Science-Practice Gap
This article is part of a series commemorating APS’s 25th anniversary in 2013. The Association for Psychological Science is an organization of which I am proud to be a member, in no small measure because
Mental Health Care Needs an ‘Anytime, Anywhere’ Model
The Huffington Post: Many routine but important medical services today are far more convenient to obtain than they were a generation ago. Home pregnancy tests, personal blood glucose test kits, and flu shots at retail
The Military as Microcosm
The United States military may be a unique institution, but it is also a microcosm of society as a whole — especially when it comes to health care. The treatment of soldiers, their families, and