New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Clinical Psychological Science: Childhood Adversity and Cumulative Life Stress: Risk Factors for Cancer-Related Fatigue Julienne E. Bower, Alexandra D. Crosswell, and George M. Slavich Fatigue is a side effect
Elderly Acting Just Might Improve … Line, Please!
The New York Times: As a 65-year-old working actor who wants to continue working, Lynn Ann Leveridge relies on her experience, her reputation and, above all, her memory. “It’s imperative,” says Ms. Leveridge, who lives
La separazione aumenta il rischio di depressione, ma solo per alcune persone (divorce increases the risk of depression, but only for some)
La Stampa: La separazione o il divorzio in una coppia sono eventi particolarmente stressanti, che possono portare a problemi mentali – specie in chi è più sensibile. Tra i diversi problemi di salute mentale cui
High Earnings Can Hamper Happiness
Behavioral experiments suggest that the modern drive to amass wealth is a holdover from the days when people sought to accumulate resources not for the sake of happiness, but for sheer survival.
The New Science of Mind
The New York Times: These days it is easy to get irritated with the exaggerated interpretations of brain imaging — for example, that a single fMRI scan can reveal our innermost feelings — and with
Get Off the Work Treadmill
Teresa Amabile, a professor at Harvard Business School, likens today’s work environment to running on a treadmill. People race to keep up with meetings, emails, and deadlines, while making no real progress – especially on