Teens feeling stressed, and many not managing it well
USA Today: Teens across the USA are feeling high levels of stress that they say negatively affect every aspect of their lives, a new national survey suggests. More than a quarter (27%) say they experience
Mental Health on the Go
The Huffington Post: Journalist Scott Stossel was so anxious at his own wedding that he had to hold on to his new bride in order to steady himself at the altar. His clothes were by
How Your Smartphone Can Affect Your Well-Being
Volkswagen turns off some workers’ email 30 minutes after quitting time. BMW is instituting new rules that will guard employees from being contacted after working hours. In fact, an increasing number of companies have created
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
Aimed at integrating cutting-edge psychological science into the classroom, Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science offers advice and how-to guidance about teaching a particular area of research or topic in psychological science that has been
Die Gier nach mehr ist im Menschen angelegt (The greed for more is invested in people)
Die Welt: Wenn man sich freiwillig als Versuchskaninchen für psychologische Studien hergibt, weiß man ja nie, was einen erwartet. Es kann sein, dass man sich 30 Minuten lang sinnlosen Buchstabensalat auf einem Rechner ansehen und
Register Now for the 2014 Psychopathy Conference
Registration for the 2014 Psychopathy Conference, to be held May 7–8, 2014, at the Ramada Hotel in Berlin, is now open. An early bird booking discount is available until March 31. The conference will center