Disrupting the Cycle of Negative Thoughts With Computerized Training
People who tend to ruminate — engaging in a cycle of negative, repetitive thoughts — are at risk for depression and other psychological disorders. Is there a way to stop the broken record? Research published
“Out, Damned Spot!”: Obsessive-Like Behavior Linked to Specific Type of Guilt
If you’ve ever watched the T.V. show Monk, you know that obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by a fixation on certain thoughts and a need to engage in repetitive behaviors, such as excessive hand washing
Spirituality May Help Buffer Some New Mothers Against Postpartum Depression
While the birth of a new baby is usually an exciting time for parents, for half a million American mothers each year, childbirth is followed by the onset of postpartum depression (PPD). Along with potential
Making Aging Positive
The Atlantic: Between 1900 and 2000, average life expectancy increased by nearly 30 yearsin the United States and most other developed countries of the world, and the developing world is catching up quickly. For the first
Buffering the Impact of Maternal Depression, Anxiety, and Stress on Neonatal Outcomes
Sophia E. Green, Emory University, presented her research on “Buffering the Impact of Maternal Depression, Anxiety, and Stress on Neonatal Outcomes” at the 2014 APS Annual Convention in San Francisco. Green received a 2014 APSSC
Mothers’ Symptoms of Depression Predict How They Respond to Child Behavior
Depressive symptoms seem to focus mothers’ responses on minimizing their own distress, which may come at the expense of focusing on the impact their responses have on their children, according to research published in Psychological