For Many Americans, Stress Takes A Toll On Health And Family
NPR: Stress is part of the human condition, unavoidable and even necessary to a degree. But too much stress can be toxic — even disabling. And there’s a lot of toxic stress out there. A
The Mad-Genius Paradox: Creativity Could Be Tied To Both Sanity And Madness
Fast Company: You can probably recite, off the top of your head, at least a few creative geniuses who seemed out of their mind. We used Sylvia Plath, Vincent Van Gogh, and Michael Jackson as
Taking an Integrative Approach to Understanding Emotions and Clinical Disorders
Many clinical psychological disorders, including anxiety and depression, are characterized by unhealthy, turbulent, or otherwise maladaptive emotions. Yet the link between emotion and mental illness has typically been investigated separately from basic research on emotion
Ellen Langer: Science of Mindlessness and Mindfulness
On Being: Social psychologist Ellen Langer’s unconventional studies have long suggested what brain science is now revealing: our experiences are formed by the words and ideas we attach to them. Naming something “play” rather than
The Search for Psychology’s Lost Boy
The Chronicle of Higher Education: The grainy, black-and-white footage, filmed in 1919 and 1920, documents what has become a classic psychology experiment, described again and again in articles and books. The idea is that the baby
Surprising Psychology Can Make the Country Healthier
Scientific American: Public health communications are designed to tackle significant medical issues such as obesity, AIDS, and cancer. For example, what message can best combat the growing obesity epidemic? Are educational messages effective at increasing