What Are the Benefits of Locking Yourself in a Tank and Floating in Room-Temperature Saltwater?
Pacific Standard: “It’s almost better than therapy,” said the spa owner. We were sitting in the common room, which looked like a minimalist, high-class Chinese restaurant that prefers the word “cuisine.” Freshly washed and nibbling
Love People, Not Pleasure
The New York Times: ABD AL-RAHMAN III was an emir and caliph of Córdoba in 10th-century Spain. He was an absolute ruler who lived in complete luxury. Here’s how he assessed his life: “I have
The Roots of Stress
You probably don’t need statistics to appreciate the pervasive role of stress in American life, but the numbers are there if you do. A recent Stress in America survey found that a quarter of adults
For Many Americans, Stress Takes A Toll On Health And Family
NPR: Stress is part of the human condition, unavoidable and even necessary to a degree. But too much stress can be toxic — even disabling. And there’s a lot of toxic stress out there. A
The Mad-Genius Paradox: Creativity Could Be Tied To Both Sanity And Madness
Fast Company: You can probably recite, off the top of your head, at least a few creative geniuses who seemed out of their mind. We used Sylvia Plath, Vincent Van Gogh, and Michael Jackson as
Taking an Integrative Approach to Understanding Emotions and Clinical Disorders
Many clinical psychological disorders, including anxiety and depression, are characterized by unhealthy, turbulent, or otherwise maladaptive emotions. Yet the link between emotion and mental illness has typically been investigated separately from basic research on emotion