More Bad News About Sitting: It May Harm Workers’ Mental Health
For many people, sitting at a desk for hours at a time is just part of the job, even as research continues to reveal links between prolonged sitting and a number of serious health issues
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Clinical Psychological Science: Jenny Yiend, Andrew Mathews, Tom Burns, Kevin Dutton, Andrés Fernández-Martín, George A. Georgiou, Michael Luckie, Alexandra Rose, Riccardo Russo, and Elaine Fox Studies examining anxiety-related attention
A Blueprint for Thoughtful Clinical Research
We found ourselves, like many other psychology research labs, intrigued and excited to talk about Kurt Gray and Daniel M. Wegner’s “Six Guidelines for Interesting Research,” published in the Fall 2013 issue of Perspectives on
Depressed People Believe that Life Gets Better
Adults typically believe that life gets better — today is better than yesterday was and tomorrow will be even better than today. A new study shows that even depressed individuals believe in a brighter future, but
Depressed Employees May Benefit From Coming in to Work
Depression can have a dramatic impact on a person’s ability to work. According to statistics from the CDC, approximately 27% of people with depression reported serious difficulties in work and home life and 80% of
Comorbidity Among Mental Disorders: A New Approach
Mental disorders have traditionally been viewed as distinct categorical entities, but about 50% of people who meet the criteria for one disorder also meet the criteria for a second disorder. The large number of people