Are Pet Owners Healthier and Happier? Maybe Not…
The general claim that living with a pet makes for a happier, healthier or longer life has weak scientific backing, a psychological researcher reports.
What can twins teach us about genetics?
The Globe and Mail: Look into the eyes of a twin one day. You may not know it, but you will have found an intriguing window into humankind, a kind of flesh-and-blood Rosetta stone that
Our Brains Have Multiple Mechanisms For Learning
One of the most important things humans do is learning this kind of pattern: when A happens, B follows. A new study, which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal
Baltimore scientists search for cause, treatment for hoarding
Los Angeles Times: The table in Jack Samuels’ Fells Point office is piled two feet high with books, papers, scientific journals and grant applications. Samuels’ wife likes to tease him that he has a hoarding
Mental health issues rise among US troops
Boston Globe: American troops in Afghanistan are suffering the highest rates of mental health problems since 2005, and morale has deteriorated, the Pentagon said yesterday. Military doctors said the findings were no surprise, given the
New Republic: Let Them Eat Cake Or Don’t Bake At All
NPR: Flannery O’Connor once described the contradictory desires that afflict all of us with characteristic simplicity. “Free will does not mean one will,” she wrote, “but many wills conflicting in one man.” The existence of