Lived Experiences Can Be a Strength. So Why the Bias Against “Me-Search”?
Podcast: Questions often emerge when researchers tend to engage in research on topics that are personally relevant for them. How is this type of self-relevant researchperceived? Researcher Andrew Devendorf discusses.
Stop Oversimplifying Mental Health Diagnoses
Podcast: Diagnoses often oversimplify complex mental health problems. APS Fellow Eiko Fried, a psychologist and methodologist at Leiden University, explains new approaches to mental health research and practice.
New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on mental health, children’s referential informativeness, the benefits, barriers, and risks of big-team science, peer-victimization research, complex racial trauma, and much more.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on threat expectancy, improving treatment outcomes for PTSD, the correlation between mood and executive function, COVID-19 and mental health, and much more.
The Anatomy of a Panic Attack
Panic attacks revolve around terror. Though people mainly associate them with the mind, they’re actually constellations of symptoms, both physical and cognitive. Your brain is seized by fear; your body responds, and it can be
Special Issue of Clinical Psychological Science Examines the Effects of COVID-19 on Mental Health
Eight articles focus on different aspects of mental health in the context of the global pandemic.