Learning for Survival? Venom Overrides Other Snake Categories
We deal with the world around us by putting it into categories. We are constantly trying to understand the things we encounter by classifying them: Is this a food I really like, one that I
Large Portion Sizes: Bad for business?
Scientific American: I’m not a big fan of milkshakes. But after a dental operation a few years ago, I decided to try one again. Not too bad, I remember thinking as I sipped the cool
Psychology Explains Why People Are So Easily duped
The Washington Post: True or false: “The Eiffel Tower is in France.” Most of us can quickly and accurately answer this question by relying on our general knowledge. But what if you were asked to
Navigating the Brain’s GPS
More than a decade ago, researchers discovered that London taxi drivers, who have to navigate one of the most byzantine street grids in the world, have atypical brain characteristics. Specifically, the posterior hippocampi—a brain region
¿Qué hace que quieras comer el plato otra vez? (What makes you crave that dish again?)
BBC: Con frecuencia los recuerdos de la comida suelen ser muy vívidos. Especialmente cuando experimentamos sabores que son increíblemente malos o excepcionalmente buenos.Pero, ¿qué hace que queramos repetir? Es ese último bocado lo que hace que
Craving Stem From Memories of Last Bite: Study
CTV News: According to recent research, that last bite of food is pure taste sensation that will instill a lasting memory of the food in question and determine when you’ll crave it again. The study published in