You’ve Probably Seen Yourself in Your Memories
Pick a memory. It could be as recent as breakfast or as distant as your first day of kindergarten. What matters is that you can really visualize it. Hold the image in your mind. Now
New APS Board Members Look to Strategic Plan, Emerging Researchers to Advance the Science
Three influential psychological scientists known for their work involving behavior change, intergroup relations, and memory have joined the APS Board of Directors for 2022–2023.
Research Briefs
Recent highlights from APS journals articles on learning about working memory, psychological measurement, patterns of implicit and explicit attitudes, and much more.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on teaching and growth mindset, human echolocators, children’s knowledge about numbers, deception during 911 calls, mind wandering, depression, and memory.
Research Briefs
Recent highlights from APS journals articles on learning about the self, mental health interventions, representational momentum for physical states, and much more.
The Effortless Way to Dramatically Improve Your Memory, Backed by Science
Say you need to remember something important. Information from a meeting where taking notes wasn’t possible. A pitch you’ll make to investors. A presentation you’ll make to employees. So you take mental notes, or review written notes. You