The Memory Illusion
Scientific American: In my book The Memory Illusion I cover a wide spectrum of ways in which our memories can betray us, and why you may not be who you think you are. In celebration
Memories of Unethical Actions Fade Faster
Research suggests that in order to hold their heads up high despite their bad behavior, individuals may strategically “forget” their own immoral deeds.
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: The Missing-Phoneme Effect in Aural Prose Comprehension Jean Saint-Aubin, Raymond M. Klein, Mireille Babineau, John Christie, and David W. Gow, Jr. Studies repeatedly show that when people
Four easy tricks to make your memory work harder for you
The Washington Post: It’s pretty amazing that the same brain that stores our favorite moments, the names and faces of our loved ones, and what our favorite foods taste like can also make room for cocktail
Scientists Explore the Brain’s Navigational Capacity
Participants in the 2016 Presidential Symposium hosted by APS President C. Randy Gallistel included Nobel Laureate Edvard Moser of Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Norwegian University of Science and Technology, pioneering cognitive psychologist Barbara Tversky
How to Turn Any Random Object Into a Memory Cue
New York Magazine: If you jot down a reminder on a Post-it, and then forget to put the post-it someplace visible, and then your deadline comes and goes and you never even see the reminder