Salute: L’Estate Dei Bambini, Salgari E Harry Potter Per Imparare Nuove Parole
Agenzia Stampa Quotidiana Nazionale: Non è vero che le donne sono meno propense al rischio degli uomini, nei fatti molto dipende dal tipo di limite che si deve superare. Se ad esempio si parla di
The ultimate brain-boosting evening
Men’s Health UK: The area of your brain responsible for memory formation is the hippocampus – and the bigger yours the better. Researchers from the University of Illinois and the University of Pittsburgh recently discovered
Your memory is not as powerful as you think
MSNBC: A significant number of Americans believe that memory is more powerful, objective and reliable than it actually is, a new survey finds. Some memory myths are so pervasive that up to 83 percent of
What Should They Be Called?
“They” refers to the animals – human and infrahuman – in our experiments. It used to be simple: they were subjects, or in certain types of perceptual experiments, observers. In the older literature much was
World we see is make-believe, top British scientist says
Herald Sun: Professor Bruce Hood will explore the limits of the human mind in a series of prestigious lectures for the Royal Institution of Great Britain, the oldest independent research body in the world, it
How The Brain Keeps Track of What We’re Doing
“Working memory” is what we have to keep track of things moment to moment: driving on a highway and focusing on the vehicles around us, then forgetting them as we move on; remembering all the