A Few Strokes of the Past in an Artist Who Lost Her Memory
The New York Times: “Can I draw something for you — what should I draw?” Lonni Sue Johnson asked, but she didn’t wait for an answer. She drew a squiggly line that became a curly
Why Remember What You Can Find Online?
Where do you store important information? According to psychological scientist Betsy Sparrow, the answer isn’t always “in your brain.” Sparrow says that we allow ourselves to forget information that we are confident the people around
A ‘self’ portrait of an artist with memory loss
The Washington Post: Art, its creators will tell you, is the result of introspection, the often painful process of digging into the past, into dreams of what might be and nightmares of what was. The
Memories you cannot swear by
The Sydney Morning Herald: As the 10-year anniversary of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York passed last weekend, many people paused to remember where they were at the moment
Don’t remember? Or don’t think you remember?
Times of India: One day you notice a group of boys passing by in a park. The next day you learn police are looking for someone to identify him as a suspect in a mugging
Being In the “No”: Questions Influence What We Remember
Imagine that you are sitting in the park, deeply engaged in a conversation with your loved one. A group of teenagers pass by in front of you. The next day you learn that the police