Psychologists Stress the Importance of Memory in Preventing Relapse after Therapy
Addictions, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder—such painful and harmful problems are recalcitrant to treatment. In the clinic, a person may suppress the association between the stimulus and the response—say, a bar with ashtrays and smoking—by learning
William K. Estes Timeline
Remembering William K. Estes
Our friend, mentor, and colleague, Bill Estes, died quietly at the age of 92. His health had declined steadily in the last three months since his wife of almost 70 years, Kay, died in May.
From the Lab to The Courtroom
The law deals fundamentally with human behavior. It deals with choices people make — to do right or wrong, to lie or tell the truth. It deals with perceptions and memories — what color shirt
2012 Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention
The 2012 Rocky Mountain Psychological Association Convention will take place in Reno, NV at the Peppermill Resort Hotel, April 12-14, 2012. For more information visit: http://www.rockymountainpsych.org/
Brenda Milner Awarded Pearl Meister Greengard Prize
APS Fellow and Charter Member Brenda Milner, the Dorothy J. Killam Professor at McGill University’s Montreal Neurological Institute will be honored with the Pearl Meister Greengard Prize Thursday, November 3, 2011 for her work in