Can daydreaming boost your creativity?
kyPost: The next time you are called out for daydreaming just say that you’re working on your creative side. Psychological Science developed a study researching the links between daydreaming and creativeness. The results concluded that
Self-Imagination Can Enhance Memory in Healthy and Memory-Impaired Individuals
There’s no question that our ability to remember informs our sense of self. Now research published in Clinical Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, provides new evidence that the relationship may
Psychologie: rêvasser stimule la créativité (daydreaming stimulates creativity)
Le Huffington Post: Vous culpabilisez parce que vous avez passé l’après-midi à rêvasser? Pas de panique. Sans le savoir, vous étiez peut-être en train de résoudre un problème. D’ailleurs, cela vous est peut-être déjà arrivé.
Daydreaming Boosts Creativity, Study Suggests
The Huffington Post: Permission to daydream, granted. A new study in the journal Psychological Science shows that allowing your mind to wander might actually be good for your creative prowess. Researchers from the University of
Did You Know It All Along?: The Psychology of Hindsight Bias
The Huffington Post: Who will win the presidency in 2012? Will it be Obama or Romney? It’s mid October 2012, and no one can say. Sure, there are pundits aplenty with precise predictions, who speak
Testing Can Help Students After All
The Wall Street Journal: In recent years, testing has gained new importance in public schools, much to the chagrin of its critics. But several recent scholarly articles bolster the case that testing can help students