Why Does Music Aid in Memorization?
The Wall Street Journal: The words to a holiday song bubble up to the surface of the brain, even decades since last hearing the tune. Yet recalling a bank-account password can put the mind in
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Attitudes Toward Arab Ascendance: Israeli and Global Perspectives Felicia Pratto, Tamar Saguy, Andrew L. Stewart, Davide Morselli, Rob Foels, Antonio Aiello, Maria Aranda, Atilla Cidam, Xenia
Eyes are better at mental snapshots than cameras, study suggests
CNN: I’ve got hundreds of photos from my recent Europe trip, split between a smartphone and a big camera. A lot are shots of the same thing — my attempt to get the perfect lighting
Fotos können Erinnerung stören (Photos can interfere with memory)
ORF Austria: Wer Fotos von schönen Momenten im Urlaub macht, will eigentlich die Erinnerung festhalten. Das könnte aber eine Täuschung sein: Laut einer neuen Studie vergessen wir Erlebnisse eher, wenn wir sie fotografieren. Die Studienautorin
Museumsbesucher: Fotografieren schwächt die Erinnerung (Museum visitors: Photographing weakens the memory)
Der Spiegel: Jeder hat sie schon erlebt: Touristen, die mit der Kamera vor der Nase knipsend und filmend durchs Museum laufen. Früher machte man vielleicht fünf oder zehn Fotos pro Urlaubstag – in der Ära
Scientists and Practitioners Don’t See Eye to Eye on Repressed Memory
Skepticism about repressed traumatic memories has increased over time, but new research shows that psychology researchers and practitioners still tend to hold different beliefs about whether such memories occur and whether they can be accurately