Want to be an optimist? Pick up these positive habits
CNN: Ever notice how some people just seemingly have a bright outlook on life — even when everything isn’t exactly on the sunny side? You know those people: They’re the friends who have spilled coffee
A Meditation on the Art of Not Trying
The New York Times: Just be yourself. The advice is as maddening as it is inescapable. It’s the default prescription for any tense situation: a blind date, a speech, a job interview, the first dinner
What Are the Benefits of Locking Yourself in a Tank and Floating in Room-Temperature Saltwater?
Pacific Standard: “It’s almost better than therapy,” said the spa owner. We were sitting in the common room, which looked like a minimalist, high-class Chinese restaurant that prefers the word “cuisine.” Freshly washed and nibbling
Mindfulness Meditation May Help Doctors Provide Better Care, Study Suggests
Huffington Post: Mindfulness meditation doesn’t just lower stress and regulate our emotions — it could also improve a doctor’s ability to care for his or her patient, according to a new study. Researchers from the
Understanding Mindfulness Meditation
MSN News: 現在人工作壓力大,需要更多的紓壓管道,於是有越來越多人開始學習冥想、靜坐等古老的方法。一項發表在《心理科學》(Psychological Science)期刊的研究發現,透過冥想或是靜坐等方式,可以對我們的身體有相當大的助益,其中最重要的就是可以改變免疫系統,降低血壓,並且增強認知 功能。(圖片翻攝自Daily Mail網站) 在東方的宗教或是靈性修練當中,靜坐或是冥想 都是不可或缺的一環,而且逐漸在世界各地蔚為風潮,被很多人用來紓解龐大的生活壓力。哈佛大學跟久斯塔斯李比 希大學(Justus Liebig Univeristy)的研究人員發現,冥想除了可以幫助提升免疫系統外,還可以讓心理健康,證明冥想不是一個空泛的方法,而是一個有效的技巧。 主導這項研究的布麗塔(Britta Hazel)博士表示,之 Read the whole story: MSN News
Why Mindfulness Meditation Makes Us Healthier
Huffington Post: Previous research on mindfulness meditation has shown that it aids in lowering blood pressure, improves immune system and brain function and minimizes pain sensitivity. A new review of past literature on mindfulness now