The Benefits of Everyday Math for Kids
Podcast: APS’s Özge Gürcanlı Fischer Baum chats with Melissa Libertus from University of Pittsburgh about her new article about interventions to increase math learning in children.
Discerning Discoveries
New research shows why people often read more into a scientific finding than what the data might show.
Myth of Male “Superior Math Ability” Hinders Female Students’ Math Performance
Increased exposure to peers who believe that boys are innately superior at math can erode girls’ mathematics performance over the course of the academic year, new research in Psychological Science suggests.
Special Episode II: APS 2023 Spence Awardees on Sharing Minds, the Development of Learning, and Implicit Bias
Julian Jara-Ettinger, Emily Fyfe, and Calvin Lai discuss reading and sharing minds, the development of learning and its practical applications, and the importance of studying the gap between what people value and what people do.
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on incel activity on social media, the gender-equality paradox in chess, sources of regret, personality structure across nations, feedback and decision-making, early socioeconomic circumstances and physical activity in older adults, stopping actions, and mathematical ability.
Cattell Fund Recipients Chase Big Breakthroughs
Kerry Jordan, Kimberly Noble, and Elizabeth Ann Simpson are the 2021–2022 awardees.