Profanity on TV Linked to Foul-Mouthed Kids
U.S. News & World Report: Is TV turning our kids into fountains of four-letter words? Maybe so, says a new study that finds a link between foul-mouthed inner-city children and profanity-ridden shows and video games.
Do Babies Learn Vocabulary From Baby Media? Study Says No
We all want our children to be smart. Why else would parents spend millions of dollars on videos and DVDS designed and marketed specifically for infants and young children every year? But do they work?
Gulf psychology: My own private oil spill
Soon after Jimmy Carter took office in 1977, the press got whiff of a rumor that the 39th president was personally handing out court times for the White House tennis court. He soon got a
Does Onscreen Violence Beget Real-World Violence?
Research reveals unequivocal evidence that exposure to media violence increases the likelihood of aggressive and violent behavior in both immediate and long-term contexts.