How We Know You (Might Be) Lying
Forbes: Few topics in psychology get as much attention as the telltale signs of deception. The emphasis on this topic has intensified tenfold over the last decade in response to terrorism, and a great deal of
Why are psychopaths so coldly callous?
The Times of India: WASHINGTON: Psychopaths’ willingness to break social norms and lack of remorse may drive them to commit crimes and irresponsible behaviour but their whole orientation may have something to do with a
Is Fear Deficit a Harbinger of Future Psychopaths?
Psychopaths are charming, but they often get themselves and others in big trouble; their willingness to break social norms and lack of remorse means they are often at risk for crimes and other irresponsible behaviors.
People More Likely to Act Morally Than They Imagine
U.S. News & World Report (HealthDay): People are more likely to act morally than they would predict, a new study finds. Researchers gave a 15-question math test to two groups of volunteers. A $5 reward
Emotions drive us to do the right or wrong
The Times of India: A new study has shown that it’s our emotions that drive us to do a right or wrong thing. A study by Rimma Teper, Michael Inzlicht, and Elizabeth Page-Gould of the
Are We More—or Less—Moral Than We Think?
If asked whether we’d steal, most of us would say no. Would we try to save a drowning person? That depends—perhaps on our fear of big waves. Much research has explored the ways we make