Why we never really get over that first love
The Washington Post: Twenty years ago . . . She was my first relationship . . . My first boyfriend . . . I was 17 . . . She was 19 . . .
This Is Your Memory on Love
Scientific American: The approach to Valentine’s Day is a reminder that we humans are so intrigued by the idea of love that we have made it into something to celebrate in it’s own right. Love is
The one thing about ‘matching’ algorithms that dating sites don’t want you to know
The Washington Post: Tinder released an updated version of its matching algorithm today, a “big change” that CEO Sean Rad has been hyping for the past week. In a blog post, Tinder offered few details
A psychologist reveals ‘the single biggest predictor of human happiness’
Business Insider: When psychologist Arthur Aron was a graduate student in the 1960s, he was looking around for something to study for his dissertation. But he didn’t want just any topic. He wanted to find one
Love In the Age of Big Data
The Huffington Post: Once upon a time, in the Pony Expresso cafe in Seattle, a man and a woman began to experience the long-mysterious but increasingly scientifically investigated thing we call love. The first stage
For Couples, Time Can Upend the Laws of Attraction
The New York Times: After decades of studying the concept of “mate value,” social scientists finally have the data necessary to explain the romantic choices in “Knocked Up” and “Pride and Prejudice.” The flabby, unkempt