Is the Immediate Playback of Events Changing Children’s Memories?
The night of the elementary school talent show, we came home to celebrate with ice cream when my mother took out her iPhone to show a video she’d taken of my 10-year-old daughter’s performance. My Visit Page
A Simple Way to Better Remember Things: Draw a Picture
If you have a pen and paper handy, let’s do a little experiment. Picture a cashew. Now pick up your pen and draw a little sketch of one, then put the drawing face down somewhere Visit Page
These Are the Best Ways to Improve Your Memory
All day every day, your brain is bombarded with new information. Confronted with this tsunami of sensory and cerebral input, it’s no wonder much of it slips through your memory’s grasp. But if you feel Visit Page
Jazmine Barnes Case Shows How Trauma Can Affect Memory
Imagine being held up at gunpoint. Do you trust you could remember the perpetrator’s face? The gun? Or would you have a better recollection of how loud the birds were chirping at that moment? “The Visit Page
Always Forgetting Important Things? Here’s How to Fix That, According to Science
Most people, when tasked with remembering something important, jot down a note. But a study published recently in the journal Experimental Aging Research says there may be a better way to keep memories fresh: draw Visit Page
Why we often remember the bad better than the good
The Washington Post recently asked readers to anonymously share their most vivid memories, and these were some of the responses: “Sitting on my bathroom floor after my father died.” “My face being forced down to Visit Page