Ich merk mir was, was du dir nicht merkst
bild der wissenschaft: Um das Gedächtnis auf Trab zu halten, lösen gerade ältere Menschen oft Kreuzworträtsel oder Sudokus. Das ist laut der neuen Studie von Dewar und ihren Kollegen nicht die Ideallösung, zumindest nicht, wenn Visit Page
To Boost Memory, Shut Your Eyes and Relax
TIME: Forget brain-training exercises, 12-hour shifts and those long, uninterrupted, caffeine-fueled study binges. When you really need new information to sink in, you can’t skimp on taking breaks, new research suggests. That’s the message from Visit Page
When We Forget to Remember – Failures in Prospective Memory Range From Annoying to Lethal
A surgical team closes an abdominal incision, successfully completing a difficult operation. Weeks later, the patient comes into the ER complaining of abdominal pain and an X-ray reveals that one of the forceps used in Visit Page
Quick Tip: Give It a Rest to Boost Memory
Men’s Fitness: Studying for exams or a big presentation? Don’t forget to give it a rest … your brain, that is. New research shows that even a quick 10-minute break after learning can boost your Visit Page
‘Wakeful Resting’ More Effective Than Crosswords To Fight Memory Loss
The Huffington Post: While recent reports have suggested taking naps during the day could be a sign of impending dementia, mental refreshment does remain vital for cognitive health, report psychologists. In an article to be Visit Page
Boost Your Memory By Resting Your Eyes After Learning
Business Insider: A new study suggests that a brief — even just a few minutes — bit of rest after learning something new can greatly improve your ability to remember it. The new study was Visit Page