3 in 4 Americans Struggle With Loneliness
Folks feeling lonely as the holidays approach have a lot of company, a new study suggests. Loneliness appears to be widespread among Americans, affecting three out of every four people, researchers have found. Further, loneliness Visit Page
Young people are vulnerable to loneliness too
At its most basic level, loneliness is unwanted solitude. However, it can also be a sense of isolation completely unrelated to how many people are around. It’s a feeling that has more to do with Visit Page
Lonely people prefer to stand farther away from those they love
A recent NIA-funded study reports lonely people are more likely to prefer greater interpersonal distances from close friends and family. Over two experiments, close to 600 men and women were surveyed to determine how close Visit Page
To Counter Loneliness, Find Ways to Connect
A four-minute film produced for the UnLonely Film Festival and Conference last month featured a young woman who, as a college freshman, felt painfully alone. She desperately missed her familiar haunts and high school buddies Visit Page
The psychology of why you feel alone even when you’re surrounded by people
Despite the world’s population creeping upward by around 200,000 people a day, many of us have never felt as alone. We are more connected than ever before, yet we somehow feel more isolated. We have Visit Page
Will We Still Be Relevant ‘When We’re 64’?
A gnawing sense of irrelevancy and invisibility suddenly hits many aging adults, as their life roles shift from hands-on parent to empty nester or from workaholic to retiree. Self-worth and identity may suffer as that Visit Page