Forced Social Isolation Causes Neural Craving Similar to Hunger
The need for connection– to form and maintain at least a minimal number of positive, stable, intimate relationships– is a fundamental need that affects our whole being, permeating our entire suite of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. While
Back Page: From Antarctica to Mars
Pedro Marques Quinteiro studies how teams work in space-analogue situations to predict and improve future work in space stations.
How Do We Get to Mars? (And How Do We Stay Psychologically Healthy in the Process?)
Mars missions are likely to last
30+ months. The Translational
Research Institute for Space Health wants to find and fund disruptive, breakthrough approaches that reduce risks to astronauts’ psychological and behavioral health and performance. -
What Your Facebook Posts Say About Your Mental Health
Over time, all these Facebook posts, Instagram captions, and tweets have become a treasure trove of human thought and feeling. People might rarely look back on their dashed-off online thoughts, but if their posts are
Lonely Young Adults See Their Neighborhoods as Less Cohesive
Feeling lonely and being alone are different, often unrelated, states — some may find themselves feeling lonely in the midst of a gathering full of friends and some people experience few moments of loneliness despite
Lonely young adults ‘in every kind of neighbourhood’
Academics from King’s College London found loneliness was an issue in urban as well as rural areas and in wealthy areas as well as deprived ones. They say loneliness is a particular problem among young