Why Is Dining Alone So Difficult?
… The assumption that people need to be coupled or grouped goes beyond restaurants, said Bella DePaulo, a social psychologist in Summerland, Calif., and the author of the 2023 book “Single at Heart: The Power, Freedom Visit Page
The Loneliness Cure: How to Break the Cycle and Build Connections
A recent Gallup Poll showed that 1 in 5 American adults reports feeling lonely every single day. It’s something that former U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy has called a “national epidemic of loneliness and isolation.” Visit Page
A Four-Day Science-Backed Guide to Forging Better Friendships That Will Improve Your Life
… Another way to add warmth to your connections could be to repair past wrongs, by saying sorry. As our tech specialist Thomas Germain found out, robots are actually surprisingly good at coming up with effective Visit Page
Eight Ways to Stay Happier This Year, According to Science
… There is another way the past could help you in the present. Research suggests that engaging with our ancestry can have profound psychological benefits. Family stories about overcoming adversity, for example, can be empowering Visit Page
Informal Caregivers Report Reduced Well-Being, May Not Bounce Back Years Later
Individuals acting as caregivers saw a decrease in life satisfaction and mood, alongside increases in depression, anxiety, and loneliness. Visit Page
How to Maximize the Surprising Upsides to Aging
It turns out there’s science behind the old saw “the older you get, the wiser you are.” Laura Carstensen, founding director of Stanford University’s Center on Longevity, says research has made surprising discoveries about the Visit Page