Meglio investire in esperienze che in beni di consumo (Better to invest in experiences than consumer goods)
La Stampa: E’ molto più conveniente spendere i nostri soldi in qualcosa bello da ricordare, piuttosto che in acquisti di beni concreti; questo ci farà di sicuro più felici. Da una decina d’anni una corrente
Study Suggests ‘Extraordinary Experiences’ Might Make You Feel Bad
The Huffington Post: Many people seek out extraordinary experiences throughout their lifetimes. If they didn’t, recreational activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, zorbing and mountain climbing wouldn’t exist. However, a new study published in the journal Psychological
Buy Experiences, Not Things
The Atlantic: Forty-seven percent of the time, the average mind is wandering. It wanders about a third of the time while a person is reading, talking with other people, or taking care of children. It
Scientific Proof That No One Cares About Your Awesome Vacation
New York Magazine: If you’ve even traveled a little bit, you know this is true: People who can’t relate to your trip hiking the Inca Trail, or wine tasting in Tuscany, or Zorbing in New
The Flow of Happiness
Whether in the creative arts, athletics, work, or spiritual practice, happiness lies in working to expand one’s skill level. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has devoted his career to studying what makes people happy. Building on years of
Sharing an experience might make it more intense, whether it’s good or bad
The Washington Post: The best way to make a good movie great might be to watch it with someone else. According to new research published in Psychological Science, experiences may feel more intense — whether they’re