Reflections on the Failure of Ignorance to Recognize Itself
Distinguished Lecturer David Dunning of Cornell University explores research into the accuracy — and, more commonly, the errors — of human judgment.
To Remember a Lecture Better, Take Notes by Hand
The Atlantic: Psych 101 was about to start, and Pam Mueller had forgotten her laptop at home. This meant more than lost Facebook time. A psychology grad student at Princeton, Mueller was one of the
Bonnes notes (Good Notes)
LeMonde: Je sortais d’une conférence cahier et stylo à la main, quand une nouvelle réconfortante s’est affichée sur l’écran de mon téléphone « intelligent ». Selon Pam Mueller et Daniel Oppenheimer, respectivement chercheurs en psychologie
Apps Intended to Speed Up Reading Rate May Reduce Comprehension
The Washington Post: Readers of this space learned a few weeks ago about Spritz, an app that promises to dramatically increase your reading speed by converting text to a fast-moving sequence of individual words or phrases. Because
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Clinical Psychological Science: Learning and Memory Consolidation Processes of Attention-Bias Modification in Anxious and Nonanxious Individuals Rany Abend, Daniel S. Pine, Nathan A. Fox, and Yair Bar-Haim Attention-bias-modification (ABM)
Why students using laptops learn less in class even when they really are taking notes
The Washington Post: Are you one of those old-school types who insists that kids learn better when they leave the laptops at home and take lecture notes in longhand? If so, you’re right. There’s new