Giving Teachers the Tools to Help Build Resiliency
The Huffington Post: For children who grow up facing adversity in their home, their path out is often lit by a teacher. I have spent tens of thousands of hours interviewing and reading the stories
Does Google Help Students Learn (or Just Think They Do?)
Education Week: There’s no question that in the era of the smartphone, the Internet has become a go-to place to find out something in a hurry, but does “outsourcing your memory” actually help students learn
Smarter Every Year? Mystery of the Rising IQs
The Wall Street Journal: Are you smarter than your great-grandmom? If IQ really measures intelligence, the answer is probably a resounding “yes.” IQ tests are “normed”: Your score reflects how you did compared with other
When Is an Educational App Classroom Worthy?
Education Week: There are over 80,000 apps in the Apple store marked as “educational.” The ed-tech marketplace sometimes feels like the Wild West with no regulations or testing required for an application to be deemed
Mind Over Matter
Humans are an easily distracted species, but we’ve always longed for ways to regulate our own attention. Psychological science has shed a lot of light on this issue, says APS William James Fellow Michael I. Posner.
Getting Hands-On Deepens Science Learning
Students who use hands-on approaches to test or demonstrate scientific concepts understand the concepts more deeply and score better on science tests.