Individuals With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Were Excluded From COVID-19 Vaccine Priority Guidelines
It is critical that the entire I/DD population gains access to priority vaccines, writes developmental psychologist Emily Hotez. Visit Page
APS Teaching Fund Showcase
Three teams of researchers—studying accessible statistics, outreach on implicit bias, and undergraduate animal studies—share highlights from their work. Visit Page
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring affective instability in people with borderline personality disorder, intellectual profiles of learning disorder subtypes, and social cognition and psychosis. Visit Page
Hernandez Recognized for Research on Language Learning
Arturo Hernandez, University of Houston, has been honored by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation with a Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award for his research showing how the brain learns and processes language. The award, which Visit Page
A Musical Fix for American Schools
The Wall Street Journal: American education is in perpetual crisis. Our students are falling ever farther behind their peers in the rest of the world. Learning disabilities have reached epidemic proportions, affecting as many as Visit Page
Nervous About Numbers
Research shows how math anxiety impacts students and suggests interventions to buffer these negative effects. Visit Page