Scientists say these 2 ‘dark’ personality traits can help you succeed at work
Business Insider: Who gets further at work — nice guys or jerks? It’s a question that’s plagued researchers for years, and unfortunately, there’s no clear answer. Now, new research suggests that jerks can sometimes be Visit Page
Scientists say people with these facial features may get paid more
Business Insider: When you first interview for a job or head into a salary negotiation, there’s a lot that’s under your control. You can easily impress the person on the other side of the table Visit Page
Power and Punishment: The Rules of Leadership Are Not Universal
When employees are late for work, breaking safety procedures, or ignoring deadlines, it’s part of the boss’s job to dole out the appropriate punishment. Nobody wants to be disciplined at work, but punishment for breaking Visit Page
The Look of Leadership
How much a leader earns may depend, at least in part, on whether she or he looks the part. Visit Page
How To Be Grateful: Become A Better Leader By Expressing Gratitude Effectively
Forbes: Along with the turkey and the pies and the rest, Thanksgiving comes with a big helping of reminders that we practice gratitude every day of the year. And we should. Beyond being polite, gratitude Visit Page
Why Office Jerks Get Ahead
People who score high on some sinister personality traits appear to have better career prospects, according to a scientific review. Visit Page