How laughter makes you a better worker
Could laughing be a way to build a stronger, more creative team culture in the workplace? Since the global economic downturn in 2008, many of us may feel that laughing in the office might send
What Makes Something Funny?
Humor can be dissected, as a frog can,” E. B. White wrote, “but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the purely scientific mind.” True to form, philosophers
The Science of Humor Is No Laughing Matter
Laugh it up! Humor is universal across human cultures — and fuels psychological research on everything from social perception to emotion regulation.
Laughter Conveys Social Status
Naïve participants were highly accurate at judging an individual’s social rank just by listening to their laughter.
The Fake Laugh
The New York Times: Eavesdrop on any conversation or pay close attention to your own and you’ll hear laughter. From explosive bursts to muffled snorts, some form of laughter punctuates almost all verbal communication. Electronic
Hey! What Are You Laughing At?
NPR: Humor is a funny thing. We know it when we see it, but identifying why something is humorous is another thing entirely. In fact, explaining why a joke is funny is a pretty reliable