Studying Chimps Gives ‘Signs’ of Human Language Development
They surely are a social group. They make requests, answer questions, and comment about each other and their surroundings. As with any social group, they spend a great deal of time together and interact daily.
The Road to Rhodes: Language Fascination Shapes Psychology Studies
About Rhodes Scholarships The following is excerpted from the Rhodes Scholarship Web site: “Intellectual distinction is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for election to a Rhodes Scholarship. Selection committees are charged to seek
Sam Glucksberg, Speaking Figuratively
My job is a jail. Who hasn’t thought that, or something like it, at one time or another (APS employees being the clear exception, of course-we love our jobs). But this expression isn’t intended to
Toward One World of Psychological Science
Editor’s Note: In the May/June issue, a column by Bjork and Ceci listed several individuals involved in developing reports for APS’s new journal, Psychological Science in the Public Interest. The editorial team led by Keith
International Psychology: Psychology Congress Crosses Culture and Language Barriers
A bout 5,000 psychologists from 100 countries are expected at the 26th International Congress of Psychology in Montreal in mid-August, the Canadian committee organizing the event has announced. Five days of addresses, symposia, state of