Is cursing really such a big deal any more?
The Globe and Mail: Recently, on the sitcom Modern Family, a subplot concerned little Lily letting loose the mother of swear words to the consternation of one of her dads, and the giggles of the
The Upside of Dyslexia
The New York Times: The word “dyslexia” evokes painful struggles with reading, and indeed this learning disability causes much difficulty for the estimated 15 percent of Americans affected by it. Since the phenomenon of “word
Is cursing really such a big deal any more?
The Globe and Mail: Recently, on the sitcom Modern Family, a subplot concerned little Lily letting loose the mother of swear words to the consternation of one of her dads, and the giggles of the
Language as a Window into Human Nature
Steven Pinker shows us how the mind turns the finite building blocks of language into infinite meanings. Watch here
Science on Swearing
Timothy Jay knows enough about curse words to make any seven-year-old jealous. The Boston Globe has called him the “Doctor of dirty words,” and he frequently appears in news stories — like this one from
Cursing in America
TODAY: Timothy Jay’s interview on the TODAY Show – kids and cursing Watch here