Cursing kids: Are parents to blame?
The Sunday Telegraph: SONGS, the internet and television are full of it, but it seems it’s mum and dad who make the rules on swearing. Kids are swearing earlier and more prolifically than ever before
Dagnabit, This Town Is Fed Up With Cursing
The Wall Street Journal: MIDDLEBOROUGH, Mass.—Mimi Duphily was hanging baskets of pink geraniums on antique street lamps downtown for the Middleborough Beautification and Activities Group when she noticed something else that needed cleaning up—citizens’ mouths.
Educators once opposed raising bilingual children. Experts now say it’s beneficial.
The Washington Post: It did not take long for scientists to wonder whether these mental gymnastics might help the brain resist the ravages of aging. To find out, Bialystok and her colleagues collected data from
Does Speaking in a Second Language Make You Think More, or Feel Less?
Discover Magazine: Should homosexuals should be allowed to serve in the military? Let me rephrase that: Should gay men or lesbians be allowed to serve in the military? You may have detected within yourself a
Oprima dos for better cognition
The Economist: MANY people report feeling like different people when they speak a foreign language. I’ve been sceptical of these claims, since many of them seem to line up too neatly with national stereotypes: “I
Think in a foreign language for better work decisions
Today: Forget about business school. If you want to improve your business acumen, the best route may be to study a foreign language. University of Chicago researchers have found that people make more rational decisions