What Could Be More Interesting than how the Mind Works?
Harvard Gazette: The brain is Steven Pinker’s playground. A cognitive scientist and experimental psychologist, Pinker is fascinated by language, behavior, and the development of human nature. His work has ranged from a detailed analysis of
This is why your brain wants to swear
The Guardian: Most of the time, words behave themselves. They’re just a useful arrangement of sounds in our mouths, or letters on a page. They have no intrinsic power to offend. If I told you
‘Like Little Language Vacuum Cleaners,’ Kids Suck Up Swear Words
NPR: Most parents are pretty concerned about their kids using foul language. Dr. Timothy Jay, a psychologist and expert in swearing, says parents worried about bad words might be fighting a losing battle.  
Bilingualism Alters the Way the Mind Works
Over the past 20 years, researchers have increasingly accepted the fact that different types of experiences can alter the structure and function of the brain over time. In an article published in the Journal of
Steven Pinker on music
TRBQ: Pinning down a definition of music is harder than it sounds. A song composed by a human easily fits into the category of music. But what about a song composed by a bird? Or
By the Numbers
Studies on human development have shown that even as infants, we have an approximate sense of numbers and amounts. How does this underlie our ability to perform complex calculations? Stanislas Dehaene explores this question through