How Jerome Bruner Transformed Psychological Science
Legendary APS William James Fellow Jerome Bruner passed away at the age of 100 on June 5, 2016. His groundbreaking contributions to cognitive, educational, and perceptual psychology have had transformative effects on the field as
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: The Missing-Phoneme Effect in Aural Prose Comprehension Jean Saint-Aubin, Raymond M. Klein, Mireille Babineau, John Christie, and David W. Gow, Jr. Studies repeatedly show that when people
Steven Pinker: The Elephant, the Emperor, and the Matzo Ball
William James Fellow Award Address recorded May 2016 in Chicago at the 28th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science.
Bower Reflects on Integrating Two Theoretical Frameworks
As a Yale university graduate student back in the mid 1950s, APS Past President and William James Fellow Gordon H. Bower was being indoctrinated into the then-dominant learning theory of Clark Hull, who sought to
We Know You Hate ‘Moist.’ What Other Words Repel You?
The New York Times: Moist. Luggage. Crevice. Stroke. Slacks. Phlegm How did those words make you feel? Certain everyday words drive some people crazy, a phenomenon experts call “word aversion.” But one word appears to
Some Vowel Sounds Pack a Punch for Brands
When naming a company or a product, marketers may want to pay extra attention to the exact syllables they’re considering. New research demonstrates that specific sounds can convey an impressive amount of symbolic meaning, which