New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research articles exploring the neurocognitive mechanisms underlying math achievement, genetic and environmental links with divorce, developmental pathways to literacy, and the temporal dynamics of food choices.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring object-based attention in reading, information processing and language, and the relationship between objects’ affordances and attention.
Why written languages look alike the world over
What do Cyrillic, Arabic, Sanskrit, and 113 other writing systems have in common? Different as they appear at first glance, they share basic structural features, according to a new study: characters with vertical symmetry (like
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring: language, social categories, and sentencing decision making; genetic and environmental contributors to both math achievement and broader academic achievement; new statistical techniques for exploring links between birth order and personality.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the social effects of gossiping about deviance, sex differences in kids’ use of spatial language, and sample-size planning for accurate statistical power.
Gender Matters! Teaching Gender-Based Analysis in Psychology
Psychological scientist Alexandra Rutherford discusses a project supported by a grant from the APS Teaching and Public Understanding of Psychological Science program to show how gender equality in STEM leads to better science.