Balancing Speaking and Listening for Language Learning
The second language learning literature emphasizes comprehension for language learning, but memory research suggests that producing the language is just as important for learning.
People Use Emotion to Persuade, Even When It Could Backfire
People tend toward appeals that aren’t simply more positive or negative but are infused with emotionality, even when they’re trying to sway an audience that may not be receptive to such language.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring hormones and externalizing behavior in adolescents, source information and working memory, language exposure and brain development, and the gender-equality paradox in STEM.
Lost In Translation: The Power Of Language To Shape How We View The World
If you’re bilingual or multilingual, you may have noticed that the different languages you speak will make you stretch in different ways. Languages like Spanish or French require you to remember the gender assigned to
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
“Why Word Frequency Matters” by C. Nathan DeWall and “Variations in Face Recognition Ability: Stable, Specific, and Substantial” by Gil Einstein and Cindi May.
‘All-or-Nothing’ Thinking More Common in People with Anxiety, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation
Research shows a link between one’s tendency to view life in extremes can identify cognitive processes linked with psychological disorders and suicide risk.