New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the dynamics of iconic memory, linguistic cues and policy support, and antisocial punishment of cooperators.
Speaking a Second Language May Give Low-Income Kids a Boost
Children growing up in low-income homes score lower than their wealthier peers on cognitive tests and other measures of scholastic success, study after study has found. Now mounting evidence suggests a way to mitigate this
What is Grammar’s Role in Conflict?
A new study shows just how critical word choice becomes in softening long-standing conflicts — including geopolitical clashes
At What Age Does Our Ability to Learn a New Language Like a Native Speaker Disappear?
The older you get the more difficult it is to learn to speak French like a Parisian. But no one knows exactly what the cutoff point is—at what age it becomes harder, for instance, to
To Climb the Charts, Write Lyrics That Stand Out
The Beatles revolutionized rock and roll by combining music styles in ways never heard before. Notorious B.I.G. changed the rap game with rhythms and rhymes that strayed from what was normal in the mid 90s.
Bridging the Lab and the Real World
Advances in technology and methodologies are enabling psychological scientists to bridge the divide between the lab and the world at large in research on infant development, attentional
shifting, language comprehension, and more.