The Language of Emotion
When people describe feeling “angry” or “distressed” or “dejected,” what do they really mean? Psychologists vigorously debate whether the words individuals use to describe their emotions actually reflect fixed states in the brain, or are Visit Page
The huge benefits of working in your second language
I recently spent four months working at the BBC in London, and English always sounded far smarter in my head than when it came out of my mouth. I often forgot words, made grammatical slips Visit Page
Speaking a Second Language May Give Low-Income Kids a Boost
Children growing up in low-income homes score lower than their wealthier peers on cognitive tests and other measures of scholastic success, study after study has found. Now mounting evidence suggests a way to mitigate this Visit Page
At What Age Does Our Ability to Learn a New Language Like a Native Speaker Disappear?
The older you get the more difficult it is to learn to speak French like a Parisian. But no one knows exactly what the cutoff point is—at what age it becomes harder, for instance, to Visit Page
APS Fellow Fei Xu Receives Guggenheim Fellowship
A University of California, Berkeley psychology professor, Xu uses behavioral experiments and computational models to understand how young children learn so fast and so well. Visit Page
Back Page: Languages’ Layers
Noted linguistics researcher Ted Supalla topples the misconceptions about signed language and discusses his reasons for launching an online course about languages around the world. Visit Page