Mehrsprachigkeit verschafft geistigen Vorsprung
Die Welt: Johan Vandewalle sammelt Sprachen. Er weiß nicht genau, wie viele er nun schon gelernt hat. Im Jahr 1987 gewann er einen Wettbewerb, der ihn zum polyglottesten Menschen Flanders kürte. Schon damals sprach er Visit Page
Watching The World In Motion, Babies Take A First Step Toward Language
Watching children on the playground, we see them run, climb, slide, get up, and do it all again. While their movements are continuous, we language-users can easily divide them up and name each one. But Visit Page
Landau Appointed Johns Hopkins Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
APS Fellow Barbara Landau was named Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs at Johns Hopkins University, where she is currently the Dick and Lydia Todd Professor and Chair of the Department of Cognitive Science in the Visit Page
The Secret Language Code
Scientific American: Are there hidden messages in your emails? Yes, and in everything you write or say, according to James Pennebaker, chair of the department of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. Pennebaker Visit Page
Exploring Word and World Acquisition
How do we acquire language and what is the cognitive architecture involved in written or spoken language processing? What are the general learning mechanisms allowing us to extract the statistical regularities of the world? How Visit Page
Unlocking Dyslexia in Japanese
The Wall Street Journal: After her 12-year-old son spent two years at a specialized school for children with learning disabilities, Lisa Lunday decided he was ready for a more challenging, mainstream environment. The school she Visit Page