Infants Possess Intermingled Senses
Scientific American: What if every visit to the museum was the equivalent of spending time at the philharmonic? For painter Wassily Kandinsky, that was the experience of painting: colors triggered sounds. Now a study from Visit Page
Michael C. Frank
Stanford University, USA http://langcog.stanford.edu What does your research focus on? I study the intersection between social cognition and language acquisition: I try to understand how the social context of interactions between children and caregivers provides Visit Page
Le 20éme Prix de Neuropsychologie Jean-Louis Signoret de la Fondation Ipsen est attribué au Pr. Patricia K. Kuhl
Yahoo! France: Le jury international, présidé par le Pr. Albert Galaburda (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA), a décerné le 29 novembre 2011 le 20ème Prix de Neuropsychologie Jean-Louis Signoret de la Fondation Ipsen (20.000€) au Pr. Visit Page
The Secret Life of Pronouns
ABC Brisbane: The words people use can tell you a lot about them. Do they use positive language, express negative emotions, swear a lot, make you laugh, or make you think? However, the words that Visit Page
Human Nature’s Pathologist
The New York Times: Steven Pinker was a 15-year-old anarchist. He didn’t think people needed a police force to keep the peace. Governments caused the very problems they were supposed to solve. Besides, it was Visit Page
Mehr Sprache, mehr Gehirn
Berliner Morgenpost: Der im Jahr 1960 in Brügge geborene Belgier lernte in der Grundschule Französisch. Im Gymnasium kamen Deutsch und Englisch, später Griechisch und Latein hinzu. Im Alter von 13 Jahren reiste Vandewalle mit seiner Visit Page