Word Gap? How About Conversation Gap?
The Huffington Post: The Clinton Foundation sponsors an initiative called Too Small to Fail, which aims to help low-income parents better prepare their children for school. Many children who grow up in poverty enter school Visit Page
At What Age Does Your Brain Peak?
Pacific Standard: Sports writers will tell you that athletes peak in their 20s, after which point their skills quickly erode. Most other things in our lives—our careers, for example—take a good deal more time to develop. Visit Page
Bridging the Conversation Gap
The Clinton Foundation sponsors an initiative called Too Small to Fail, which aims to help low-income parents better prepare their children for school. Many children who grow up in poverty enter school already far behind Visit Page
‘Baby-talk’ might not be easy to understand for kids, study finds
PBS: Parents may be using “baby-talk” when speaking to infants with the goal of making it easier for babies to understand, but a new Japanese study shows this may have the opposite effect. Two research Visit Page
APS Honors Golinkoff and Hirsh-Pasek for Lifetime Contributions to Psychological Science
APS Fellows Roberta M. Golinkoff (University of Delaware) and Kathryn Hirsh-Pasek (Temple University) will receive the 2015 APS James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award for their collaborative research on language, literacy, education, and spatial development. Golinkoff Visit Page
Sounding out speech
The Harvard Gazette: Just about all parents would agree — infants undergo a nearly magical transformation from 3 to 6 months. Seemingly overnight, they can smile and laugh, and they squeal with delight when tickled. Visit Page